Terms & Conditions
Terms, Conditions, Authorisations and Permissions
Enrolment procedure: If you choose to book a space for your child at The Vines Early Learning a place will be secured for you upon receipt of your completed enrolment form, our enrolment fee, and one week of advance tuition. We encourage you to send in your completed form as soon as you have made a decision regarding your child’s educational journey to avoid disappointment and to enable us to plan our staffing requirements.
Fee payment and invoices: The Vines Early Learning and the Ministry of Education’s licensing regulations require us to account for your child’s attendance. We have a two-day minimum booking per week and ask that you sign in and out each time your child attends. You agree to pay the fees as per the fee schedule. All accounts are required to be paid in full on a fortnightly basis. Invoices will be emailed to all parents on a Monday for one weeks’ advance fees. If your child is absent or on holiday, you will be required to pay the regular fees as per our fee schedule. Our fees are reviewed on an annual basis. If your child is absent for three or more weeks, you agree to pay any lost Ministry of Education funding.
Late payment of fees: Any overdue fees may incur a penalty 10%. After a period of three weeks non-payment your child may have their enrolment cancelled. A debt collection agency may be engaged to recover debts or proceedings through the courts may commence. By signing these terms and conditions you are agreeing to all costs incurred in the collection of debt, such as legal costs, court fees, and debt collection fees.
Holiday Discounts: Each child is entitled to three weeks holidays each calendar year where 50% of fees will be charged, calculated on a pro-rata basis dependent upon the number of days the child normally attends. In the child’s first year of attendance at The Vines Early Learning the entitlement will also be pro-rated depending upon the month in which the child starts.
Statutory holidays and term breaks: This enrolment agreement is inclusive of school term breaks. We are not open on any statutory holidays. Full fees are applicable for any statutory holiday that falls on a day when your child would normally attend. The Centre will remain open over the Christmas/New Year period but at reduced opening hours 8:30am to 4:30pm. Exact dates will be advised prior to this period each year.
Leaving the centre: We require two weeks’ notice in writing if you are planning to remove your child from The Vines Early Learning. Fees may be charged up to and including the final day.
Attendance: If a child is absent due to illness or holidays, please make sure you advise us. The time of your arrival and departure is required to be written in the daily sign in and sign out sheet (located at front reception). In an emergency, this sign in sheet is used to ensure all the children are accounted for.
WINZ subsidies: It is the parent’s responsibility to check with WINZ to see if they are entitled to a childcare subsidy. Depending on your total family income you may be eligible for fees assistance through the WINZ childcare subsidy. However, this subsidy is only part payment for fees, and parents must meet the balance. Subsidy forms are available from you nearest WINZ office. They need to be brought to the Centre to be signed and then returned promptly to WINZ. Please note, full fees will be charged and are to be paid in full up until the time we receive the WINZ subsidy.
Hours: The Vines Early Learning is licensed to have children attend Monday to Friday. Our opening hours are 7.30am to 5:45pm.
Settling in and visits: All children are required to visit the Centre at least twice for short periods prior to starting. There will be no charge for the visits. One of our staff will call you on your child’s first full day to update you on your child’s progress.
Pick up and drop offs: Due to Ministry of Education guidelines you are required to drop your child off or pick up at your scheduled times. If you are going to be delayed at any of these times, please phone to advise staff. Late fees may be applied at a charge of $25.00 per 15 minutes. Staff will only release children into the care of adults documented on this enrolment form. Any other adults collecting will require permission by a parent/guardian prior to the child being released. Any changes to this form must be signed and dated by the parent/guardian.
Health: Verification of immunisations is required and a copy will be taken and included with your child’s enrolment file. If your child is unwell they may be at risk of infecting other children, teachers, and adults (including expectant mothers). Therefore, we ask that you keep your child home until they are well again and advise us of your child’s illness. Any child who has experienced vomiting or diarrhoea will be excluded for 48 hours from the last episode. If you are contacted to collect your child who has become unwell we ask that this be done as quickly as possible. Any medication for your child is to be handed to the head teacher, this is to be documented and signed consent by you is required. In the event of an accident or emergency, you authorise the application of basic first aid and for the Centre to seek medical or other advice as deemed necessary and accept any expense incurred in obtaining this for your child. You understand if your child becomes ill whilst at The Vines Early Learning you will immediately pick them up or arrange a pickup. You understand it is your responsibility to report any health and safety concerns to the Centre Manager.
Food: WE have a strict NO NUT Policy. We support and encourage the guidelines of the Ministry of Health around preparation and provision of food for children. You understand that if you are wanting to bring food into the Centre for a special occasion you will first speak with a team member to gain an understanding of what is allowed.
Clothing and personal items: Children are required to bring a named change of clothes in their bags on a daily basis. Sunhats are compulsory in the summer months. Sunscreen should be applied by parents before attending. Our team will also apply sunscreen throughout the day. All your child’s belongings, including items of clothing and footwear etc, are to be named. Please do not feel obliged to purchase labels, as a permanent marker is ample. We ask that you please keep children’s toys at home.
Toileting: You give permission for staff and teachers to change your child’s soiled or wet clothing when necessary. Emergency closures: Should The Vines Early Learning be closed at the request of the Ministry of Education (emergency closure) you will be required to collect your child from the Centre.
Policies: We have a number of policies that set out the procedures that are in place for the care and education of the children who attend The Vines Early Learning. Our policy documents are located in the foyer and we urge you to read them. The signing of this enrolment agreement form indicates that you understand and will support our policies.
Children With Additional Specific Needs: The Vines Early Learning is dedicated to providing an inclusive, safe & happy learning environment for all children, families & staff who attend our centre. When an individual child has extra, specific care & learning needs, a meeting will be organised between parents & staff to determine how we can best support the child & family through these specific needs. When an action plan has been agreed upon with both parties, outside agencies may be consulted to support the child, their family & staff. Once this plan has been actioned, other additional meetings may be held. If The Vines Early Learning, in its sole & absolute discretion, determines that we are not able to provide a safe learning environment for the child, other children & staff, this will be discussed with the parents & alternative care arrangements may need to be made. We will give 2 weeks written notice to cease a child’s enrolment. Parent/guardian signature Date (I agree to the above terms and conditions of enrolment) Centre Manager signature Date Any changes to this form must be signed and dated by the parent/guardian.
If you are looking for an early learning centre in Auckland that provides a nurturing, stimulating environment where children can grow, learn and explore their interests at their own pace, then get in touch.

We look forward to welcoming you and your little one to the Vines family.
To learn more about our Henderson early learning centre, call us to set up a time to come & see us.
Book A Visit >
Monday - 7.30 am - 5.45 pm
Tuesday - 7.30 am - 5.45 pm
Wednesday - 7.30 am - 5.45 pm
Thursday - 7.30 am - 5.45 pm
Friday - 7.30 am - 5.45 pm
Closed Saturday, Sunday & public holidays