Welcome to The Vines Newsletter
April School Holidays
Term one concludes on Friday the 12th of April.
Please make sure you fill out your child’s holiday form so that we can staff accordingly.

Welcome Back!!
We welcome back Mamie.
Mamie is a Qualified Teacher in the Pihi Room. She has returned after having a year off on maternity leave. Her baby Nico has joined The Vines whānau as well.
She will be working on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

The Winner of the $50 Pak n Save Voucher is …. Pania Nisbett!.
The Vines is turning One!
We are having a party – later!
We have to postpone our party as we are having an ERO visit which we need to prepare for.
Our party is now on Saturday 20th April!

7th April – Daylight Saving Ends
ERO Visit
On the 9th and 10th of April, we will be having a visit from Lisa Winiata and Michelle Sluijsmans
from the Education Review Office.
ERO will assess whether The Vines is meeting the standards relating to curriculum, premises and facilities, health and safety and governance, management and administration.

The quiet hour is a nationwide movement for acceptance, understanding and accessibility. Many Autistic people experience sensory overwhelm on a daily basis.
That’s why a quiet hour, with low lighting, lowered sound and background noise, and a lower level of sensory stimulation can be so beneficial.
Turn down the lights, turn down the noise and turn up for the Autistic Community of Aotearoa.
Schools, workplaces, shops, attractions and organisations across the motu will do just that on April 10, at 10AM, to celebrate Autism Acceptance – and so will we!
Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects cognitive, sensory, and social processing, changing the way people see the world and interact with others.
Autism is currently estimated to be present in 1 in 54 people.
It is not a mental illness, but a neurological difference – one of many variations of neurodiversity.